Tuesday, December 12, 2006

NGO Security Blog Archives and More

I just finished setting up a complimentary Web site called The NGO Security Page. It features a full PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format archive of this blog organized by month. There's also an index with post titles you can scroll through. If any topics catch your eye, just click on the month to download that file. Handy for printing out or reading on your laptop during boring flights.

In addition to the archive, the site has links to a number of humanitarian security manuals as well as other reference materials. My goal is to put together an easy to use, one-stop resource center for humanitarian security practitioners. This is just a start and I'll be expanding site content over time. Any suggestions on what you'd like to see are gladly welcomed.

One other note. The new version of Blogger software now supports tagging. That means we can associate a tag with a post, for example a country name. In the future, that means you'll be able to easily view posted information by tag; such as location and perhaps incident type. (I'm still thinking through a tagging scheme to best classify information.)

And finally, as the NGO Security Blog approaches its one year birthday, I'd like to take a moment and thank all of its readers and contributors for their support. I hope the information is keeping you informed and helping to keep staff and beneficiaries safe. - JM


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